It was probably somewhere around 6 in the morning when the sounds of chaos began enveloping everything. I was asleep, next to my little sister and my parents, until the movements of my sister, who was cuddling in the middle of us all, woke me up. “Did you hear that?” she asked, swinging back and forth in an effort to wake us from our slumber. The first to wake up was my father. My mom and I almost immediately followed, but none of us answered her question. “Do you hear that?” she insisted, so my father went to her in an attempt to make her calm down. I remained silent and focused all my attention in a single point behind my ear, trying to catch sound as it traveled through the air. I couldn’t hear anything, but my sister didn’t give up I tried once again to listen, just to be unsuccessful again. I was already telling my sister she was crazy when a deep sound made me stop in the middle of my speech.
“..m, …m, …m”, was starting to come from a distance. “P..m, p..m, p..,” it was getting closer, and clearer every second “pum, pum, pum”, it was some kind of stomping “PUM!” Some men suddenly appeared right in front of us carrying weapons; we didn’t have any time to react at all. The men were well organized and one of their leaders ordered some others to grab us as soon his eyes met our sight. We were helpless. They tied us up and took us with them. As they were dragging us around, we saw there were many others just like the…